Hypothesis: As the length of the pendulum increases, the amount of time will increase as well.
The Methodology: The materials necessary for this lab were a 200mg weight, string, and a timer. First, measure (in centimeters) and cut a certain amount of string. Then attach the weight to the string and use the timer to create a time trial, or simply record the amount time (in seconds) it takes for the pendulum to swing back and forth 5 times. Finally, record at least 7 data points and divide the times recorded by 3. After dividing the times recorded, put the final, complete data points on a complete graph with a title and the units on the x-axis and y-axis. The equation shown on the graph should prove or disprove the hypothesis, in this case, the equation's exponent needed to be close to 0.5 because of the number of times the pendulum swung back and forth.

Conclusion: The data points that was gathered in the lab may have proved that the amount of time increasing as the length of the pendulum is increased, but the equation's exponent was not close to the number of required for the data to fully prove the thesis was correct. The number of swinging back and forth was 5 times, so the equation's exponent should have been close to 0.5, but unfortunately the times recorded were not exact and were either recorded to early or to late, since the equation's exponent that we got was 0.2715. In other words, our data proved a part of our thesis, but the data was insufficient to prove it fully due to the time trials recorded either a bit early or late.
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